About Word-Manna Radio

The Prophetic Voice on Angelic Wings

An Internet Prophetic Radio Station established by the Lord Jesus Christ through our Father in the Lord; Prime-Major Prophet Meek Banda for Word-Manna Church (WOMAC International). We are broadcasting at the comfort of your own zone to over 180 Countries across the globe. Carrying the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to nations; Word-Manna Radio has a Chief Prophetic Messenger Angel Assigned to carry the Prophetic Voice on its wings for the manifestation of prime grace, deliverance, healing, counseling, encouragement, anointing, mentorship and all God’s blessings. Word-Manna Radio was established to give Church Financial Partners and those far from the Prophet’s reach an easy access to accurate Teachings by Prophet Meek Banda, Questions and Answers Sessions, Live Broadcasts, Mentorship Sessions, Prayer Sessions and Music Recorded under Word-Manna Talent. Word-Manna Radio is the First division of Word-Manna Church International seconded by Word-Manna TV and Word-Manna Devotion. Word-Manna Radio; The Prophetic Voice on Angelic Wings.

To join the Team of Word-Manna Radio Engineers, Producers, Beat Makers, Program Editors, Graphic Designers, Presenters and Administrative Workers, please write to listen@wordmannaradio.com. To join Word-Manna Talent or get yourself signed under Word-Manna Talent or to give us rights to your non-copyrighted original Gospel music, please send us an email to skills@wordmannatalent.com. To become a Word-Manna Radio Financial Partner, please go to the Upper or Bottom menu of this website and click on “GIVE”, then follow the given instructions or send us an email to give@www.wordmannachurch.com. For answers to the Frequently Asked Questions “FAQ’s”, please click “FAQ” on the bottom menu of this website and get self-help. To leave a review of any song and the Teaching of our Father in the Lord Prophet Meek Banda, please sign in to your Word-Manna Radio Account and leave your comment. Remember that your comments and reviews will be made visible on this website after 3 to 7 days because our team will need to check what you have written first before approving it. Remember also that every comment that goes against our community standards and Church Policy will not be approved, and the user will banned from using our platform thereafter.

About Word-Manna TV

An internet and free to Air TV Network, established to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the second division of Word-Manna Church (WOMAC International)

About Word-Manna Devotion

Daily Bible Study book series as written by our father in the Lord, Prime-Major Prophet Meek Banda. This is the third Division of Word-Manna Church (WOMAC International)

About Word-Manna Institute

The division that has been stablished for mentorship purposes. The accuracy of knowledge. This is the fourth Division of Word-Manna Church (WOMAC International)

PRAYER OF SALVATION: Have you ever made Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life? If not, pray this prayer and start a new life in Christ.

Dear Lord,
I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. I admit that I am a sinner and that I am not right with You. I want to be right with You Lord. I ask You to forgive me of all my sins. The Bible says if I confess with my mouth that “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, I will be saved (Romans 10:9). I believe with all my heart and I confess with my mouth that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of my life. Thank You for saving me! In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer for the first time, we would like to hear from you and also guide you on how you can grow in the things of God. Please Click here to leave a message or share your testimony. You can also send us a direct email to family@www.wordmannachurch.com or a message to +27 61 979 1082 on WhatsApp / Telegram /Direct Calls. Someone from our Church Team will be in touch with you for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Our Church Divisions and Web Links

Here are the web links and all our Church Divisions as of 2022. Please click on any of the links below to access the website of your choice;