Welcome to the Prime Family

Word-Manna Church

Word-Manna Church is a Prophetic Institution pioneered by our father in the Lord Prime-Major Prophet Meek Banda. The revelation of the ministry comes from the Word of God found on Isaiah chapter 61, John 1:14, John 3:3, Exodus 15:16 and Hebrews 4:12. The same Holy Word (Manna) that became flesh on John 1:14/Exodus 15:16 is the Ministry and the Church of Jesus Christ today. 

Our Founder

About Prophet Meek Banda

Prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ; called by God to take people & nations out of bondage. Phrase Holdings International Incorporated (PHI Inc) & Word-Manna Church (WOMAC International) Pioneer. The reliable, trusted and dependable accurate prophetic advisor across the globe.

1 Samuel 9:9 / Matthew 10:41

Join our daily bible study

Word-Manna Devotion

Join the Verified Prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ in our daily bible study. Comprised of Daily Bible Study Verses, Prophetic Declarations, Prayer Points, Weekly Homecell Discussions, Explanations & Daily Topics as written by our father in the Lord; Prime-Major Prophet Meek Banda. 

2 Timothy 2:15 / Hebrews 4:12



Accurate Knowledge


Introducing the Accurate Knowledge Portal by our father in the Lord, Prime-Major Prophet Meek Banda. School of Ministry, Bible School, Prophetic Mentorship School, Forex Trading, Investment Management, Skills Development, Computer School & Business Management School. Transform your life by enrolling into Word-Manna Institute today.

2 Kings 6:1 / Daniel 5:12

Welcome to the International Word-Manna Arena

HEBREWS 10:24-25

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.


The Jesus Christ Sunday Service

Holy Ghost Midweek Service

The Friday Commercial Service

Listen to Word-Manna Radio

Pioneered & established by our Father in the Lord; Prophet Meek Banda for Word-Manna Church International. Listen to Word-Manna Radio in over 180 countries across the globe. Get an access to both free & premium accurate teachings, declarations, prayers and music in the comfort of your zone. You can access Word-Manna Radio on your Desktop Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Smart TV & smart phone wherever you are.  Simply type www.wordmannaradio.com in your internet browser and click play on the content of your choice. Our content ranges from Business Teachings, Love Teachings, Ministerial Teachings, Prayer sessions and Music from Word-Manna Talent Artists.

Prayer Requests

Let our Intercessors Pray for you

Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Watch Word-Manna TV

Established by our Father in the Lord; Prophet Meek Banda for Word-Manna Church International. Watch Spiritual content on Word-Manna TV in over 180 countries across the globe. Get an access to both free and premium accurate content on Word-Manna Television in the comfort of your zone. You can access Word-Manna TV on your Desktop Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Smart TV and even your smart phone wherever you are.  Simply type www.wordmannatv.com in your internet browser and click play on the content of your choice. Access Business Teachings, Love Teachings, Ministerial Teachings, Prayer sessions, Live Church Services, Christian Movies, Game Shows and Music Videos from Word-Manna Talent Artists.

Join Word-Manna Talent

Established by our Father in the Lord; Prophet Meek Banda for Word-Manna Church International. This is the skills development and promotion portal. Word-Manna Talent is the division of Word-Manna Church which is responsible for signing Gospel Music Artists, Soccer/Football Players, Netball Players, Rugby Players, Actors, Dancers and any related set of skill available in the Church of Word-Manna. If you believe that you have an outstanding talent that needs to be showcased and promoted, please visit your local Word-Manna Church in your region and signed up by your local Church Pastor or Administrator. You can also visit the Word-Manna Talent Website by clicking on the link below.

Word-Manna Publication

Accurate Books for Accurate Knowlegde

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 

Our Church Divisions and Web Links

Here are the web links and all our Church Divisions as of 2022. Please click on any of the links below to access the website of your choice;